Robert Baril - TMI (CD & DVD)
“TMI,” the follow-up to his 2017 Stand Up! Records release “Sex and Politics,” finds Robert Baril in an unexpected position: patriarch. With equal parts incredulity, gusto, resignation, and joy, he’s traded “dating like a cop” for throwing gender reveal parties (that is, cleaning house while bemoaning doing chores to reveal a fetus’s genital configuration) and post-millennial malaise for true crime and the grandma-girlfriend life. Make no mistake, Baril will never retreat from the tough topics—God, comedy, talk radio, pro-life pizza joints—he’s just found a new frontier as he, like some Jon Stewart-inflected George Michael, becomes a (grand)father figure for the Trump Era. TMI? No, this is the exact right amount of information. We’re on a need to know basis, and you need to know: Robert Baril’s back, and he’s better than ever.
Track Listing
- Wisconsin
- Pro-Life Billboards
- News Junkie
- Voter (Issue) ID
- Guns in Schools
- Russia / Spies
- Tennessee
- Sex Doll Brothel
- Politics, God and Government
- Cops / Priests
- Cults
- Dad's Jury Duty
- Grandma Girlfriend
- Daughters and Boyfriends
- Gender Reveal Party
- Extreme Book Club
- John Lennon