Erik Allen - This is All I Have Right Now (CD)

Never underestimate the guy who tells you where the bathrooms are. Not only will his information come in inordinately handy once you’ve started making progress on your jug o’ booze at the comedy club, he might also be a secret striver, an up-and-comer, a diamond in the rough. You’re gonna want to get in on the ground floor. Erik Allen? Case in point. With “This is All I Have Right Now,” Allen’s getting audacious (even though he claims what’s mistaken for bravery is generally just laziness and a casual attitude toward wolves). And so are we. Getting in on the ground floor, Stand Up! Records is proud to give you 15 solid minutes from an MC set at a midwestern comedy club. You know why? Because soon enough, we’ll follow Erik Allen as he transitions into a feature act, then give it a bit, and we’ll be back with his triumphant full-length debut as a headliner. That’s right, by the time he ascends through the three levels of stand-up hell, and it’ll be time for Allen’s victory lap! The 2007 Funniest Person in the Twin Cities-winning, cup-cake making, fictitious-groups-of-beasts-naming, public eves-dropping, gas station Alzheimer’s poster child Erik Allen’s about to take center stage, and we want you to join us front row for the show.
Track Listing
- Disney Cry
- Car Troubles
- Drunken Monkey
- Lions and Unicorns
- Smile for the Archer
- Lazy, Brave, Easy