Marc Maron - Final Engagement (download)

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Marc Maron knows there”s no sense in pussy-footing around. Life is nasty, brutish, and short, and you might as well get a laugh out of it. Punchline magazine calls it “heartbreaking comedy,” but at Stand Up! Records we prefer to think of Maron as a ridiculously funny and insightful observational comic who’s just not afraid to show his tender underbelly. On his new, 2-CD live album recorded on his “Scorched Earth” tour, Maron owns up to the sad realities of his personal life, admitting that he finds comfort in living with four things that don’t even like him (his beloved cats, including PTSD-ridden LaFonda) and had a little “Good for you!” moment when his second wife left him. At the same time, he happily engages his audience with the shrewd, story-based comedy that’s formed the backbone of his previous records, taking on absurdities like the internet culture that might actually like him better if he just stood on the stage, crying and peeing. A seasoned performer who’s already had a one-man, Off-Broadway show, made two CDs, and been the most frequent comic guest ever on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Maron knows how to approach an audience, expertly keeping them suspended somewhere between “That was so f*cking funny!” and “I hope he’s okay.” Like a latter-day Woody Allen, Maron embraces his insecurities, but always stops just short of the tortured artist. He doesn’t seek pity, only commiseration, laughter, and an honest acknowledgement of the absolutely ludicrous human condition-oh, and maybe a girl without daddy issues, if it’s not too much to ask.
Track Listing
Disc 1:
- This Better Fucking Work
- Bro
- Florida
- No Plan B
- Baby House
- Fine
- Traffic
- Gym Theory
- Not a Sports Guy
- Scotland
- China
Disc 2:
- Not a Racist
- American Idol/Myspace/Gambling
- What About Tower 7?
- Christians
- Blackberry
- Patriot Act and Porn
- Couple's Counseling
- Four Cats
- Daddy Box
- Running Into the First Ex
- Hate Cakes
- What Love Becomes
- Masturbating Among the Animals
- Prayer for the Ex