Jimmy Shubert - Zero Tolerance (download)

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Jimmy Shubert is a modern classic: a bold, brash, sly man in a well-cut, pick-stitched suit giving voice to all those moments when the better angels of our nature fail us. When our tolerance and progressivism run up against the very sight of stand-up paddle-board yoga and we finally, in a gasp of futile incredulity, let loose our inner curmudgeons. “From the Greatest Generation to therapy cats and ball deodorant,” Shubert muses wild-eyed, crackling and uncontained. He peppers his tirades with everything from Proust deep-cuts to vagina monologues, finding glee in the foibles, indignities, and humiliations of everyday life and hope in the flecks of self-awareness still evident in our laughter. He knows it’s absurd. As long as the audience, too, can recognize, recoil from, and relish in the absurdity of modern life, there’s a chance for us humans yet. When it comes down to it, nonsense is really the only thing for which Jimmy Shubert has “Zero Tolerance.”
Track Listing
- He Has Smooth Elbows and He Likes to Sleep Diagonally
- Trapped in a Psych Ward at 30,000 Feet
- Therapy Caaaaaaats!
- That's an AB with a PB&J
- Ben Franklin, Your Customer Service Representative
- Self-Check Out?!
- Yogurt Immigration
- Would You Like a Bag?
- Wrong Profession
- We Should Go Hiking in a Canyon
- SUP?
- "Ball Deodorant?"
- Why Don't You Try Just Being a Nice Person?!?
- Thumb Dumped
- Smart Phones
- No One Needs Your Yelp!
- My Show is About Love