David Huntsberger - One-Headed Beast (download)

David Huntsberger’s exclusive radio and Pandora Internet Radio release “One-Headed Beast” explores not what divides us (or even schizophrenia from street poetry), but what makes us share a common humanity. It’s just hard being a person, and we might have to be generous with ourselves. We’re not good at grief or embarrassment or falling down. We’re not good at self-regulation or being honest about the wellsprings of our anger. We’re not good at deciding what’s “tough,” what’s “weak,” and what’s “total bullshit.” We’re all utterly confused criminals to some extent or other. We’re not good at talking about the big, existential things, let alone the personal insecurities and anxieties that we all carry. We’re supposed to accept the mysteries of the universe, but we’re not even good at defeating other species. Our brains all literally get their jobs through nepotism. If that’s not funny, conceptually and when it comes to the giggle-lulz, well, nothing is.
Track Listing
- Street Poet Society
- In the Clouds
- Grief and Change
- Dr. Pickle Anger
- The Food Chain
- Hunting
- Strong Men Also Cry
- Diagnosis
- Meditation
- Monks
- Dreams
- Subconscious
- Prophets
- Bad Brains
- Genetic Code
- The Writers
- The Singularity and Cars
- Cyborgs
- Thinking Womb (William)