the funniest comedy in the world...
Pete Lee - Gas Money (download)
Stand Up! Records
Ray Harrington - Overwhelmed (download)
Ray Harrington - The Worst Is Over (download)
René Hicks - Let's Roll (download)
Rick Shapiro - Catalyst for Change (download)
Rick Shapiro - Unconditional Love (download)
Robert Baril - Sex & Politics (download)
Robert Baril - Sex & Politics (video)
Robert Baril - TMI (download)
Robert Baril - TMI (video)
Robert Kelly - Live (download)
Rory Scovel - Dilation (download)
Ross Bennett - …Not If You Were the Last Man on Earth! (download)
Ryan Cownie - I Can't Die (download)
Ryan Cownie - I Can't Die (video)
Ryan Dalton - I'm Married, Let Me Tell You About It (download)
Ryan Singer - Comedy Wonder Town (download)
Ryan Singer - Immortal For Now (download)
Sam Miller - Round Trip (download)
Sean Rouse - Spilled Milk (download)
Sid Singh - Amazing! (Probably) (download)
Steve Gillespie - Alive on State (download)
The Drug Budget and Robert Fones - Feel Real Fear (download)
The Firesign Theatre - Dope Humor of the Seventies (download)