the funniest comedy in the world...
Jonathan Katz - Caffeinated (download)
Stand Up! Records
Josh Blue - Broccoli (download)
JT Habersaat - Hostile Corporate Takeover (download)
JT Habersaat - Misanthrope (download)
JT Habersaat - Misanthrope (video)
Judy Gold - Judith's Roommate Had A Baby (download)
Kathleen McGee - Deliciously Vulgar (download)
Keith Lowell Jensen - Atheist Christmas (download)
Keith Lowell Jensen - Bad Comedy for Bad People (download)
Keith Lowell Jensen - Bad Comedy for Bad People (video)
Keith Lowell Jensen - Elf Orgy (download)
Kelly Pryce - Life With A Pryce (download)
Kristine Levine - Hey, Sailor! (download)
Kyle Kinane / The Slow Death - Under The Table #2 (download)
Lashonda Lester - Shondee Superstar (download)
Lashonda Lester - Shondee Superstar (video)
Lee Camp - Chaos For The Weary (download)
Lee Camp - Pepper Spray the Tears Away (download)
Lewis Black - Revolver (download)
Lewis Black - The End Of The Universe (download)
Lewis Black - The White Album (download)
Lou Moon - Lou (download)
Maggie Faris - Hot Lesbo Action (download)
Marc Maron - Final Engagement (download)