Whitney Chitwood - The Bakery Case (download)

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Whitney Chitwood is a lesbian squirrel in a shoebox with the voice of a chronic chainsmoker, a jawline that could bring down an oak tree, and a haphazard knack for accidental injury. The Chicago comic hits the stage with swagger and a disarmingly pragmatic look at the fits and starts of American progress, from homophobic bakers to her feminist shortcomings, bigfoot investigators, beards of plaid, approbation of bike mechanics with mustaches, and well-meaning pronoun-mangling moms. In Chitwood’s hands the multi-tiered cake of cultural lethargy that so often represses can feel surmountable—or at least mountable with the right “tools.”
Track Listing
- Open
- Wolf Park
- Fuckin' & Flushin'
- Matriarchs, Murder & Meth
- All My Vagina Bits
- Pig Daddy
- A Bigot, a Baker, a Wedding Cake Maker pt 1
- A Bigot, A Baker, a Wedding Cake Maker pt 2
- Feminism Misses
- A Squirrel in a Shoebox
- Sincerely
- Closed