Tommy Ryman - Bath Time with Tommy Ryman (download)

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Even though he’s one of Metro Mag’s Funniest People in the Twin Cities and even though he’s toured the nation (even South Dakota!) and even though he’s opened for the likes of Louie Anderson and Maria Bamford and even though we like to think you take our word for it on the freshest comedy talent, Stand Up! Records would like to introduce you to one of the Twin Cities’ finest young stand ups, Tommy Ryman. And because we know you like to really consider your options when you’re in the market for a new comedic genius, we’ve put together a little profile to whet your appetite:
Name: Tommy Ryman
Age: 28
Build: Wearing winter layers? Beefcake! Otherwise, it’s between “skeletal” and “8-year-old-boy.” But more women should give 8-year-old boys a chance. Right?
Hobbies: Dressing up in his Little League outfit to wander public places; taking his collectible car (it’s a Saturn! They don’t make those anymore) out at rush hour to cruise and toss candy to construction workers; dropping off stuffed animals at the Humane Society; long baths (sexy, but not too sexy); and pretending to be a pirate. At night clubs.
Pets: Horse (named Potato).
Favorite Holiday: A tie between Daylight Savings (you get to travel through time!) and Divorce Day (his annual trip to Valleyfair with some lesbian friends to celebrate his broken home).
Hidden Talent: A killer Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne impression.
Musical Preferences: Classical. It lends an air of grandeur to even the most mundane tasks. Ever made a burrito while listening to the Carmina Burana? EPIC.
Tommy Ryman: you know you want some.
Track Listing
- Minnesota is Cold
- Deaf Haircut
- I'm Not a Fighter
- Divorce and Lesbians
- Things I Do in My Free Time
- Holidays
- Dating
- Working at a Bookstore
- I Have a Collectible Car
- Bath Time
- Traveling
- Pirates
- Deep Fried Goodness
- Toots and Farts
- The Best Impressions
- Carmina Burrito