Mary Mack - Pig Woman (CD)

“Pig Woman,” Mary Mack’s first album with Stand Up! Records, brings the Midwestern native back to the Twin Cities. And don’t let her Wisconsin honk-e-bonics fool you: this comic’s command of the stage reveals a sly wit and quick, nimble instincts. From alcoholistic medicine to DIY raccoon rescues to the romance of a rest-stop proposal, Mack introduces the finer points of backwoods living while skillfully navigating the twists and turns of audience interaction—a less seasoned professional would surely stumble, but Mack gleefully walks each new trail without ever relinquishing her mastery over the room. Whether you, too, have learned life lessons at the State Fair or you just can’t wait to sign up for the “Herd of Pugs 1K,” we’re positive Mary Mack is your new best friend of funny.
Track Listing
- Improv Class
- Small Town & Body History Reprise
- Double Standards & Anniversary
- Recently Married & Compliments
- Mouth Breathers
- Trophy Wife
- Midwest Polka Society
- How Did He Ask Ya: Crowd Version
- How Did He Ask Ya: My Version
- Interview with My Drunk Neighbor
- Honeymoon
- Bay Area
- Metric
- Mom Pets
- Natural Remedy & Jail Rehab
- Antidepressants
- William the Veteran from Alaska
- More About William & His Joke
- Pig Heart
- Pig Woman & the Dairy Princess