Erik Allen - Your Feature Performer is Wasted (CD)

Now, we normally don’t like to say we told you so. We’re good like that. But people, wetold you so. Remember when you were like, “Stand Up! Records! Why would you put out an album from a guy who’s not even a headliner yet?” And we were all, “LISTEN TO IT!” because we’re demanding like that? And then you did and realized Erik Allen really is rad and it would be fun to follow his career? Well, we told you so. And now we’re back with his second stand up disc, “Your Featured Performer is Wasted.”
Recorded live at Minneapolis’ famed Acme Comedy Club, Allen’s “sophomore effort” is a brilliant take on one general theme: Drunk Erik. Sober Erik’s got a lot of questions for Drunk Erik, including: When did you learn how to pick a lock? Why are you the Goldilocks of apartment buildings? Where’s Waldo? Why do you have better recipes and access to English muffins? What the hell is a “Ranch Daniels” and is $20 really enough to drink that? Were you operating a hot glue gun? Is that you in the YouTube clip “Adorable Cat Video”? Did you get a frat boy’s phone number at the bar? Who Sharpie-d those helpful notes… oh wait, those are balls… no, hieroglyphics? On your face? Did you shout “We’re trying to get this girl!” at a cop by way of explanation? Did you try to do a ninja flip? Who wrote “Sorry!” in that pile of vomit? Yeah, the one under the fridge.
Allen’s plotting to get half-wasted and ask Drunk Erik a few of these… and when he does, we’re definitely taping it for your listening pleasure.
Track Listing
- Pfft
- Drunk Me is Really Nice, But Lazy
- Gifts from Me to Me
- Ranch Daniels
- Adorable Cat Video
- Hurry, Hurry, Hurry
- Girls, Girls, Girls
- I Heart Louisville aka Three Months Ago
- Pull It Together, Waldo!
- Fridge Dust
- Champion
- Puppy Drunk aka Last Week
- Pile of Ninja