Dylan Mandlsohn - A Date with the Devil (download)
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It’s not about the things that divide us, but the things that unite us. Which is to say, identity politics don’t matter much to Dylan Mandlsohn (unless you count a quick round of “Who’s more Jewish?” with the audience). You want a gay German for your car commercial? How about a Canadian comic with a girlfriend named Jordan! Mandlsohn draws inspiration from everyone from Rich Little to Jim Carrey as he deftly commands stages from cruise ships to the knock-out rounds of international comedy festivals: he’s silly without the saccharine, clean without cliché, intimate without invective. A quick-witted, rubber-faced pro with a body like the first draft of a cartoon and a mug like the kid from Mad Magazine grew up, Dylan Mandlsohn’s more than ready for his “Date with the Devil.”
Track Listing
- Cruises
- Screaming Kids
- Jordan
- Haunted House
- Commercials
- Vibrate
- Jealous
- Texting
- Stolen Car
- Voice
- Friend Zone
- Jewish
- Oh, Canada
- Lindsey Faces the Devil