David Cross - It's Not Funny (black vinyl)

This is Cross’ second album for Sub Pop (as well as second limited edition vinyl LP for Stand Up! Records), and is the follow-up to 2002’s Grammy-nominated “Shut Up You Fucking Baby!” On this specially-priced disc, Cross continues to skewer everyone and everything in his path.
Track Listing
- Certain Leaders in Government Look or Act like Certain Pop Culture References!
- Women, Please Rinse Off Your Vagina and Anus!
- A Rapid Series of Comical Noises!
- I've Taken a Popular Contemporary Pop Song and Changed the Lyrics to Comment on the Proliferation of Starbucks in My Neighborhood!
- Although Indigent, Rural Families Have Little to Say in the Matter, Third Rate Public Education Has Kept Them Ignorant and Thus, Great Sources of Ridicule!
- My Child is Enthralling, Especially When It Says Something Unexpectedly Precocious Even Though It Doesn't Understand What It Just Said!
- My Immigrant Mom Talks Funny!
- When It Comes to Jews, Behavior One Might Perceive as Obnoxious and Annoying I Present as Quirky but It's Okay to Joke About It Because I, Myself, Am Jewish!
- Pandering to the Locals!
- Even Though I Am in the Closet, That Won't Prevent Me from Getting Cheap Laughs at the Expense of Homosexuals!
- Weathermen Have Become, for the Most Part, Obsolete!
- When All is Said and Done, I am Lonely and Miserable and Barely Able to Mask My Contempt for the Audience as I Trot Out the Same Sorry Act I've Been Doing Since the Mid-Eighties!