Dave Fulton - ...based on a true story (download)
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You know how Stand Up! Records likes to say we prefer our comedy straight-up and a little bitter? Well, we also like it with an insider’s knowledge and an outsider’s perspective, which is precisely why Dave Fulton is our new star player. On his first CD, “…based on a true story,” Fulton makes a brief return from life as an ex-pat in London to perform in Minneapolis, full of both affection and invective when it comes to his home country. There are new language barriers—for instance, he now knows to recoil in horror at the phrase “fanny pack,” while he’s learned to use the “c-word” as variously as the “f-word” just like a proud English native. But, he astutely points out by way of a segue, maybe the whole gasp-at-linguistics reaction is part of the grand American problem: war, gun crime, illegal invasions, we’ll let all that go, but one reference to the ol’ “Downton Abbey” and a crowd goes silent. Mention that bin Laden didn’t need a fleet of airplanes when he could have taken down America with thousands of ill-advised mortgages, and they stare, agog. Explain that it doesn’t take a gun-toting Republican or a bleeding-heart liberal to vote for Obama, just someone who desperately wants to understand the words coming out of their president’s mouth, and you get crickets. This is a country where a stunningly accomplished young man makes it to the highest office—at an age when Fulton admits his own accomplishments tally up to getting high in Amsterdam and punching a midget—and it’s still a little surprising he didn’t get pulled over on the way to his inauguration. All this is to say, our country is a weird place, and Dave Fulton, the best bridge of insider-outsider, is its perfect observer. But no, he will not give your cat a happy ending. You have to draw the line somewhere.
Track Listing
- Intro/Cunty
- Driving
- Glad to be Back in America
- President and the World
- Public Service Announcement
- Cat in Heat
- US Doctor Check-Up
- Accents
- Muslim/YouPorn
- Traveling in London
- Ireland
- Subsidizing My Career
- Drinking in England
- Everclear