Bil Dwyer - Am I Yelling? (download)
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In the mirror, the truth is always closer than it seems: Yes, Bil Dwyer admits, he looks like an undercover cop (don’t worry—he’s just the drug-taster, and they rarely get to brutalize anyone). But looks don’t matter, because he’s been married since the 1990s. After a quarter century with the same spouse (none of that Utah-style spousal proliferation in the decibel-laden Dwyer household), he admits, the “cherish” vow gets tested. He and his wife have streamlined their conversations down to just about three questions (What? Is there coffee? And, The f*ck you lookin’ at?). He’s long-since stopped hiding his true sex noises—a bit like a frustrated pug desperately trying to lick a peanut butter jar clean—but realized if he does a little light house-keeping afterward, he can boost those performance ratings. And they both know if the other calls home “just to check in” from a night out with friends, it’s time to get some sleep, scrape together a hunk of bail money, and baby-proof all the sharp corners between the front door and the marital bed.
Affable and open, Bil Dwyer’s handsome-boy face has been all over your television for years, from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno to his Comedy Central special, Last Comic Standing, and a whole mess of game shows. Now it’s time to luxuriate in his soft, soothing tones—wait, sorry. Bil Dwyer doesn’t have an “indoor voice.” After four kids and a gig hosting Battlebots, who could? Brand new from Stand Up! Records, “Am I Yelling?” is the perfect quarantine companion—a hilariously relatable, no-contact, no-politics comedy show just for you, no masks required.
Track Listing
- Horsing Around on the Corner
- Here's Your Tiny Office
- Birthday Candles
- Digital Camera
- Can I Pet Your Wife?
- My Single Friends
- Vows
- Cherishing
- Welcome to Utah
- My Sexy Talk
- Am I Yelling?
- Garage Sale
- Three Beautiful Kids
- Education (Not Mine)
- Birth Time
- Let's Play Pigeon