Arnor Dadi - Big, Small Town Kid (download)
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They say it takes a village to raise a goose. But even if each of those 150 Icelandic villagers traveled south to Reykjavík once a day, every day, for 18 years, taking their communal goose along for each round-trip sojourn, Goosey still wouldn’t have gone to Reykjavík one million times, Esther.
A master of bathroom math and an open-faced, open-minded Real Housewives devotee, Arnór Daði has what (an unbeatable search engine translation of) The Reykjavik Grapevine calls an “irresistible clumsy charm” and Nörd News termed “a glimmer of childish harmfulness.” Much like Goosey, the 151st resident of his hometown, he’s also got a heap of small-town tales and big-kid troubles. For one, he and the missus are suffering irreconcilable frisbee counting differences. Worse yet, his wife is dreaming of another baby, having found her still-recent first labor experience overly efficient. Daði is less than convinced—a pandemic baby is one thing, but a second pandemic baby seems like a troubling pattern. Plus, his wife is a college student, he’s a comic and occasional tour guide whose mother still buys him clothes (mostly in an Ed Hardy-cum-Mexican wrestler vein, except for a memorable incident involving a single, unwrapped pair of silk underwear), and the couple is already parenting in a garage apartment. And, of course, as the youngest of six kids, he knows perfectly well that a parent can't love the second as much as the first (which, to be honest, took some warming up to!). Building on his award-winning 2020 RVK Fringe debut, our pick for the Real House-Husbands of Scandinavia Arnór Daði proudly presents his debut album, “Big, Small Town Kid.” Recorded live, just shy of the Arctic Circle, at The Secret Cellar, and out now from Stand Up! Records.* *Fun Fact: The Secret Cellar is not only Iceland's first, best, and only comedy club, it is, according to Google, only a four-minute stroll from the Icelandic Phallological Museum, where Reykjavikians can set their sights on “more than two hundred and fifteen penises and penile parts.”
Track Listing
- Paid in Beer
- Tinder is Weird
- Mean Teacher
- Growing Up in a Small Town
- Goosey the Goose
- Reykjavik's Roads
- By Kevin Spacey
- I'm an Idiot
- Airports and Pilots
- Bono Joke Story
- My Mom Buys Me Clothes
- Dangerous Drug
- The Sexiest Man on Earth
- I'm a Father Now
- Another Baby
- Baby Carrots
- Four Frisbees
- Tour Guiding