Amber Preston - Sparkly Parts (download)
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. OH FER FUN! It’s “Sparkly Parts,” the first album from Amber Preston, the dairy-loving pride of North Dakota. Cripes and goll and ya sures, she’s the Fargo 11 who’s been topping comics-to-watch lists (from New York Magazine to Vulture), racking up festival accolades (Best of the Midwest at Gilda’s Laughfest among them), hosting and producing not one, but two regular LA comedy and improv shows, and—no joke—mentoring low-income kids. Preston jogs right past Helvetica jokes and into the blue, her adoring audience safe in the palm of her hand. In fact, with her confident crowd control, cooing imitations of her mother (and laconic impressions of her Vietnam vet, low-expectation-setting, motorcycle-loving dad), and self-deprecating tales of years spent gleaming the cubicle, Amber Preston will charm the pants right off your sparkly bits, offer you a freedom ride on her reparations booty, and talk you right out of your precious rag pile (then make for your carefully hoarded stash of "perfectly good gift wrap"). From Devils Lake to Silver Lake, she’s ready for anything—sex stuff, too, ya know?Track Listing