Alysia Wood - Princess (download)

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Every American woman knows that “princess” marks you as special, lovely, wonderful until you’re about twelve. From that point on, it’ll be used to keep you in your place. Well, screw being a princess. Alysia Wood’s comedy royalty, all right, but in this monarchy, she’s the monarch: responsible enough to know she’s irresponsible, smart enough to know she’s a success so long as she avoids a grave or a cell, and talented enough to drunk text coherently (if utterly, bewilderingly deceitfully), Wood’s clearly the one in charge. As the latest voice in Stand Up! Records’ chorus of comic standard-bearers, Wood brings deft timing, self-deprecating (but never self-hating) charm, and a load of well-deserved accolades (you don’t get named 2010’s America’s Next Funniest by Budd Friedman, founder of the Improv, without the chops to back it up) to the stage. Even better? We’re pretty sure she’s got a garage full of stolen TVs and cartons of Lucky Strikes. Now that’s a “princess” we’re proud to know.
Track Listing
- Smoking/Anger Management
- Dr. Mrs. Sister
- Princess
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Paranormal Activity
- Dysfunctional Family
- Dead or in Jail
- Godmother
- Oil Changes/Protest Too Much
- Extreme Makeover
- Breakups
- It's Never Too Late