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Sid Singh

Life is awkward in all of its interactions and search for identity. Sid goes deeper and more personal finding comedy in the uncomfortableness of being brown in America, being an atheist who regrets it, and dating all over the world. 

OK, fine that all sounds great, but you know what’s way more important about Sid’s show?

It’s hilarious. H-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s. All that other stuff is unhyphenated fluff. 


  • Sid is so great! He's like the new Louie, because he can talk about any-thing and make you laugh. Nothing is off limits, but everything makes you think...once you're done laughing.’ -- Kat Sedita, MTV Producer

Sid Singh is a regular at numerous clubs in New York, Los Angeles and San Di-ego including Night Train with Wyatt Cenac, and The Tony Show (run Comedy Central’s Adam Atamanuik). Among his television credits are Living the Life (Is-lam Channel), Greatest Party Story Ever Told (MTV), Night Train With Wyatt Cenac (NBC). On radio Sid has appeared on BBC Radio Four’s Inconspicuous Consumption, BBC Asian Network, Fresh Air Radio, and Mutiny Radio. Sid has appeared on Kurt Metzger and Sherwood Small’s popular podcast Race Wars and weekly on legal podcast The Law is My Ass.