Pete Lee - Gas Money (CD)

Pete Lee's a good, old-fashioned midwestern guy. A stand-up fella, really. You could even bring him home to grandma, so long as you don't think she'll mind getting pushed down the stairs... what's that? Oh, she'll bounce back. Because here's what attention-grubbing grandmas already know about nice, clean-cut boys like Pete Lee: beneath that well-scrubbed, well-dressed exterior lurks a seething, repressed redneck. Oh, he's got a good game going, with his self-effacing, aww-shucks manner, but you've gotta keep in mind, he comes from a place where an intervention boils down to your best friends calling you a quitter. Where even your dad might not be above a few yo mama jokes. Where there's no danger of a drive-by, but if you stand real still and look out the window on a sultry night, you might just spy your worst enemy, clad in camouflage, lurking in a deer blind with a rifle and a six-pack of Old Style. That's right, Pete Lee's representin', straight outta Janesville, Wisconsin!
While he's known to many as the ''Geek Squad guy,'' Pete Lee's a stand-up pro who's performed on stages across America and wormed his way into living rooms throughout the land as a featured performer on NBC's Last Comic Standing (season six), Comedy Central's Premium Blend, and not a moment too soon, his own installation of Comedy Central Presents. Now's your chance to pick up his first full length CD, Gas Money, from Stand Up! Records because, let's face it: his stunning good looks would only get in the way of your comedy enjoyment.
Track Listing
- Hottie
- No Pants
- Scrabble
- Wal-Mart
- Dad
- Grama/Stairs
- Work
- Bars
- Sports
- Baseball
- A&F Co/Gap
- Jacked
- Girlfriend