Lee Camp
Lee Camp is a stand-up comic. …Sometimes people make him write things too. He’s a contributor to The Onion and has performed stand-up comedy at events featuring Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Al Gore. He was recently on Showtime’s series “The Green Room with Paul Provenza” along with Roseanne and Bob Saget. He was called one of the best New Faces at the Montreal Comedy Festival; he ran for president on Comedy Central’s “Fresh Debate ’08″; and he’s done comedic commentary on PBS, E! network, SpikeTV, MTV, and ABC’s “Good Morning America.” He’s featured in the new bestseller “Satiristas!” with the likes of George Carlin, Bill Maher, and Stephen Colbert. Lee also provided a catharsis for millions of people when he went live on Fox News and called the network a “parade of propaganda and a festival of ignorance.”
More at his website LeeCamp.net.