Kyle Kinane - Death of the Party (black vinyl)

Kyle Kinane’s a one-man diagnostic manual. He can size-up your hull (for instance, he’s got a nice beard and a decent set of shoulders, but he’ll freely admit the rest ain’t in the running for “glistening Greek god”), figure out precisely where you went wrong in life (in his own, it was likely sometime around when he was funneled out of the productive joys of metal shop and into the murky world of classes for the creative geniuses… sure, you learn how to imagine you’re a bird, but will that really help with mastering Excel?), and even separate the true insomniac from those in need of a little Sleepy Time Tea. Hint: the intricacies of volcanic barbeque technique are involved. All this is to say, FINALLY! Stand Up! Records is thrilled to bring the limited edition vinyl of Kinane’s instant classic, Death of the Party, into our humble shop (and into your hot little hands, of course). We can confidently say that Kinane’s assessment of what he can and can’t do, from swap meet to water park, is worth the price on its own; toss in the tale of his traffic stop, a reflection on the most bleak and misanthropic joke in his repertoire, and the best joke to find itself animated on the internet [search YouTube for “Kinane Bunnies”] and you’ve got yourself a damn deal.