Judy Gold - Judith's Roommate Had A Baby (download)
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Judy Gold’s first CD, “Judith’s Roommate Had A Baby” is a hilarious collection of her best bits along with hysterical encounters with her audience. This long awaited CD was recorded in Provincetown, MA in front of a lively audience. Judy delivers as only a veteran of many years as a top stand-up can.
Track Listing
- Paper Clip Guy
- Ptown
- Flying
- NYC/Smoking
- Working Out
- Kids/Vaginas/Breast Feeding
- Sharon/Henry & Ben Have Two Jewish Mothers
- Judith's Roommate Had A Baby
- If You Only Knew The Agony
- Bush And Cheney
- Leiberman
- Clinton/NOW
- The Brits On Stage Are Rich And Retired
- CNN, The News And The Olympics
- My Mother, Without Whom I'd Have No Act
- Lice Advice/Mommy's In The Hospital
- Geriatric Dating Game
- Law & Order
- Phyllis
- The Kids
- Bea Arthur As A Welder
- Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew
- I Love My Job
- Anne Frank House
- My Mother's Message