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Jenny Zigrino - JZs New Album (baby pink vinyl)

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Limited edition "baby pink" vinyl

True to form, Jenny Zigrino is kind of a bad ass bitch. Straddling the East and West coasts (you’re welcome, Midwest), Zigrino is the take-no-prisoners, sex-positive feminist child of a Russian immigrant. And if a certain B. Obama of Chicago, Illinois is asking, why yes, she 
does smash homies. Sassy, sexy, and most of all smart, Zigrino will dump a fella or two in Colonial Williamsburg, expose the repression of country music, and plausibly reconstruct Winston Churchill’s real diary—all before you’ve stopped howling at her Waffle House origin theory or her description of the latest hipster haircut (sieg-heil-no). Exuberant yet subversive, “JZ’s New Album” is a celebration of brassy, ballsy ambition from a woman who truly knows how to slay, all day (again, Jay Z, please don’t sue). 


  1. I
  2. Hope
  3. That
  4. Jay
  5. Z
  6. Doesn't
  7. Sue
  8. Me
  9. For
  10. Doing
  11. This

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