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David Heti

“Devastatingly original,” “scarily drily funny,” and “not really as cruel as he seems,” David Heti is a true comic’s comic. With one degree in philosophy and another couple in law, he tells jokes, but mostly he tells the truth. Heti has lived throughout London, New York, Toronto, and Montreal, and he’s toured across much of Canada and the U.S., either on his own or with another wandering/drifter comic. He has appeared at festivals including Just For Laughs, JFL42, the Dark Comedy Festival, NXNE, and the Halifax Pop Explosion. Once a public prosecutor, he teaches comedy writing at McGill University and, from time to time, works at a children’s hospital (in the Department of Bioethics). His debut release, It was ok, was recorded in a basement and is, indeed, okay. In fact, it’s pretty damned great.

One of the darkest and most easily misunderstood of comics, David Heti is Andy Kaufman meets Woody Allen meets… David Heti.

I Have a Problem, With David Heti (podcast): In which the people who know David best tell him what they don’t like about him.

What Went Wrong With Last Night’s Show (web series): In which, as you might expect, David explores what went wrong with last night’s show. (website): On which David tells you stuff about David.

@davidheti (twitter): Wherein David shares bon mots and moth bones. Okay, probably not that second one.
