Darryl Lenox - Super Bloom (download)
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Time plus tragedy is the reputed no-fail recipe for comedy, but tragedy plus time? That’s the formula for your own personal Super Bloom. At precisely the right moment, Darryl Lenox returns with an uproarious new stand-up album and this unexpected message of hope, drawn from observing how horrendous, choking wildfires followed by a season of torrential rains and mudslides created the perfect conditions for a historic wildflower crop that brought tourists back and allowed California’s communities to rebuild. Your own Super Bloom might look different, of course—smaller, more personal, yet still symmetrical. Once willing to palm some genitals in return for Skittles, for example, Lenox’s recent rainbow of a Super Bloom came in the form of someone willing to apply the sweetness (and then, naturally, remove it) to his own nethers. In years past, it involved Newfoundlanders upending decades-old trauma inflicted by dirtbag racists with their overtly friendly application of some of the very same slurs. Equally filthy and philosophical, Lenox is never far from his core belief that life is incredible, in every sense, nor from his daily affirmation, “I’m health. I’m wealth. I’m success. I’m love.” Yet he knows just as well that he’s also, as an older Black gentleman once confirmed, that comic from Conan, “the real philosophical n----- with the f----- up eyes!” Both visions, to an almost totally blind man, are inarguably accurate pictures. And so, he says, get comfortable with you. Others will follow. They just need time. And to get over it when you accidentally tea-bag them getting into your cab, “Muslim burrito” in one hand, Black Lives Matter sign in the other, then ask to be dropped off at the nearest riot.
Track Listing