the funniest comedy in the world...
Bag of Mystery - Veterans (5 CDs)
Stand Up! Records
Bag of Mystery - Vinyl (5 records)
Bag of Mystery - Vinyl 2 (5 records)
Bengt Washburn - Bengt Over in Europe (CD)
Bil Dwyer - Am I Yelling? (CD)
Brendon Burns - Pompously Lectures Americans (CD)
Chad Daniels - Busy Being Awesome (CD)
Chad Daniels - Natural Selection (CD)
Chad Daniels - You're the Best (CD)
Chris Porter - Lost And Alone (1st pressing blue/bong smoke/green striped tri-color vinyl)
Chris Porter - Lost And Alone (1st pressing bong smoke vinyl)
Chris Porter - Lost And Alone (black vinyl)
Chris Porter - Lost And Alone (highlighter yellow vinyl)
Chris Porter - Screaming from the Cosmos (reel)
Corey Adam - Jokes (CD)
Corey Adam - No Joke (CD)
Corey Adam - No Joke 2 (CD)
Courtney McClean & the Dirty Curls - This One's for Dad (CD)
Cy Amundson - Lovesick in Toledo (CD)
Dan Naturman - Get Off My Property (CD)
Dana Gould - Funhouse (black vinyl)
Dana Gould - Funhouse (CD)
Dana Gould - Funhouse (reel)
Dana Gould - Funhouse (translucent purple vinyl)