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Andy Andrist

Andy Andrist draws his remarkable comedic courage from the same place he extracts his unique world view: Straight out of another bottle of domestic light beer. His is a world overrun with overweight women, trailer parks, special athletes, Wal-Marts and death. Needless to say, Andy’s world is trashy, poignantly idiotic and friggin’ hilarious. Andy’s genius comes from his understanding that people everywhere just want to stop thinking, get drunk, watch the game, and maybe get a sloppy piece of action before tomorrow becomes another day. So even when Andrist riffs on women who lie their way to handicapped parking permits, or when he talks about betting on Special Olympians, he’s really not making fun of those people. His real disdain is reserved for people like you and me, the Average Joes who are satisfied with being, well, average. During Andrist’s two seasons on the writing staff of Comedy Central’s The Man Show, he kept the censors so busy redlining his outrageous sketch ideas that carpal tunnel syndrome became more rampant than the common cold. That experience, in addition to his many years as a top protegé of comedy’s neutron bomb, Doug Stanhope, has Andrist primed to break loose as a headliner in his own right. His special brand of enlightenment will make you see your world – and yourself – differently.

 → more at Andy's website
