Aaron Aryanpur - Employee of the Day (download)
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The frustration of adulting, from raising disgusting, religiously confused children to navigating office politics and spousal miscommunications, is condensed and defused under the deft command of a sort of Texan MacGyver of polygamous Persian warlord descent—yeah, we know: That again? On his second release from Stand Up! Records, Aaron Aryanpur invites you to laugh at the everyday injustices, crazy-making interactions, and decidedly unfun responsibilities of modern life—and to know, in the rousing giggles and snort-laughs of the crowd, that you’re not alone. So many of us grew up in the late twentieth century, imagining adulthood as staying up past midnight, watching zombie movies, and pantlessly chain-eating ice cream cones. But the jig is up. It’s other kids’ parents tattling that you spat your sunflower seed shells out in the Little League stands. It’s coworkers trying to figure out whether the disproportionately hot woman in the photo on your desk is actually your wife or just someone you’ve considered trapping in your storage shed. It’s wistfully remembering the freedom and stupidity of your younger days, when you had time to browse and the confidence to buy breakable tchotchkes. It’s recognizing your struggle in others and turning your shared dismay into collective effervescence.
Track Listing
- Happy Hour
- My Wife Is Too Pretty for Me
- Fury Road
- Get. In. The. Car.
- Happy Parents and Other Mythical Creatures
- Let It Go
- "Uh Oh"
- Son of an Immigrant
- My Dad's Voice
- Racial Profiling
- My Great Grandfather, the Warlord
- Religious Differences and Divorce
- "Aryanpur"
- In the Beginning...