Dwight York - Quickies (CD)

Like a slug of Jack Daniels after one too many Appletinis, Dwight York's Quickies is a palate-cleansing dose of pure, distilled comedy. York skips the meandering and navel-gazing that too often passes for stand-up, instead breathing fresh life into the good old-fashioned one-liner. As he puts it, I hope you like jokes, because here we go! Thanks to this stage veteran's well-honed act and aww-shucks delivery, York's generally adult material feels quick-witted rather than rapid-fire. He elegantly weaves classic call-backs throughout, tying each seemingly standalone gem into a coherent and ludicrous whole.
Track Listing
- There Goes the Neighborhood
- Tough Growing Up
- My New Bike
- Burnt Pizza
- Should've Used More Tape
- Not Good At Taking Advice
- Chicks Dig Me
- Nobody Tells Me Nothing
- Not Just For Breakfast Anymore
- Let Me Explain
- Easily Distracted
- Hey Little Buddy
- All Pumped Up
- Just Like Magic
- I know It s Not a Necklace
- Wait There s More
- I'm Out of Here