Aaron Aryanpur - In Spite Of (CD)

If your dad was as funny as he thinks he is, he’d be Aaron Aryanpur, the relatable family man who just happens to be the funniest comic in Texas.
You might already know him from the wildly popular comics-talking-about-their-kids podcast, Minivan Men.
There are some things you only learn if you have children, for instance: Did you know that “stop, drop and roll” is now “stop, drop, roll, and cover your face”? Do you know why? Aryanpur will gleefully explain it to you on his debut album, In Spite Of.
His whole set is solid, although the wheels do start to fall off mid way through due to some inebriated audience members, and he handles it with a finesse that only a father of small children could manage.
For the rest of the album, Aryanpur delivers an onslaught of dad jokes that are actually funny. Speaking openly about his family life, weight issues, accidental racism, stupid questions and coconut shrimp, he comes off as a likable everyman who can craft a killer joke.
In Spite Of is good, (sort of) clean fun.